Essential services


Here are just a few of the accounting issues you won't have to worry about while you work with us:

  • Compilation of the daily cash register
  • Drafting sales and purchase logs for VAT
  • Drafting NIRs
  • Drafting bills consumption
  • Drafting transfer vouchers
  • Drafting travel discounts
  • Analytical evidence of customers and suppliers
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  • Inventory management (inputs, outputs, monthly stock balance)
  • Management of intangible and tangible assets (reports on fixed assets, asset sheet, depreciation sheet)
  • Registration of accounting documents according to the rules in force
  • Drawing up the log register, inventory register, and monthly verification balance
  • Calculation of payment obligations and preparation of the necessary documents for their payment
  • Drawing up the VAT discount
  • Setting up the big book register
  • Drawing up and submission tax records and statements regarding taxes
  • Drawing up the annual financial statements and submitting them to the competent authorities
  • Certification of annual financial statements


The human resource in a company must be properly managed. We will take care of:

  • Preparation of enployment contracts and additional acts (modifications, cessations, decisions)
  • Preparation of personnel files according to legal requirements
  • Elaboration and transmission of The electronic register of employees records
  • Drafting and online filing of the 112 Statement regarding salary obligations
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  • Relationship with ITM (Territorial Labor Inspectorate)
  • Monthly drawing up of payment states, salary calculations
  • Drawing up of certificates for employees
  • Drawing up and filing annual fiscal records
  • Submitting monthly statements and submitting them to the Financial Administration
  • Completing payment orders on salary debts and informing the client about its debts on a monthly basis
  • Preparation (if applicable) of the file for recovery of sums regrding medical leaves and benefits from the health insurance
  • Any information and reports on wage costs


Are you wondering how you can reduce taxes paid to the state? We support you with:

  • Consultancy on financial - accounting and tax legislation applicable to each individual company
  • Assistance during fiscal controls and investigations
  • Periodic information, depending on the frequency of legislative changes
  • Identifying tax opportunities and exploiting them
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  • Consultancy in the calculation of direct taxes, indirect taxes (VAT - scope, taxable persons, taxable transactions, procedure - reimbursement, etc. tax on profits - solutions, excises, local taxes etc)
  • Assistance during tax inspections carried out by the specialized authorities of the State
  • Taxation of income of individuals, residents and nonresidents
  • Optimization of taxes and payments


In our sphere of activity qualify the legal services.
Thus, you can benefit from:

  • Specialized legal advice
  • Drafting documents, legally requests
  • Assisting the client in negotiations, in front of any public institutions and authorities
  • Establishments - Liquidation associations and foundations
  • Liquidating companies with the appointment of a liquidator

Simconta offers you personalized tax services regarding the Romanian and international legislation for Romanian legal entities and non-residents, natural and legal persons.
We offer quick solutions for any type of business, assistance and answers to all legal tax questions. We are recommend by over 25 years of experience in national and international practice and a varied portfolio of clients from the country and abroad.

Additional services

Establishments of companies

Do you want to start a business? We can help you with everything you need to set up a trading company!

Completion of object of activity

Extend the range of services? You will need to expand the objective of the activity. We can help you with all the necessary formalities.

Establishments and closings work places

You want to set up a new workspace? Simconta specialists help you! The same is the situation if you want to close one.

Liquidation / Dissolution / Radiation

Concluding a company's business can take various forms. We have the perfect solutions for every situation.

Suspension / Reactivation of companies

Without too many headaches, you will find out everything that involves the reactivation or suspension of a company's business.


Assignment of claims cause you problems? Simconta specialists can help you with all the necessary information.

Change of registered office

Changing the registered office requires the completion of certain formalities. We can help you in this regard too!

Consultancy and assistance

Regardless of the accounting, tax or legal issues you are facing, Simconta experts provide you with the necessary advice.

As a businessman you have a lot of situations to be solved, so we recommend that you let our specialists account for everything that you can do about accounting services. You will have everything covered, from financial accounting to making statements and balance sheets, from everything related to taxation to assisted and assured consultancy, to authorities' checks.


Financial-accounting evidence (global value)

Payroll services - Human resources

ServiceCost (VAT included)
ServiceCost (VAT included)
Contract opening40 LEI *
Closing the contract20 LEI *
Preparation of additional act to amend the contract10 LEI *
Preparation of bank certificate, unemployment20 LEI *
Preparation of the seniority certificate30 LEI *
Preparation of the family doctor / hospital certificate10 LEI *
Preparation of the annual evaluation form30 LEI *
Preparation of the annual fiscal file
(declaration regarding the calculation and withholding of the tax per beneficiary)
20 LEI *
Preparation of a customized post file130 LEI *
Preparation of standard post form20 LEI *
Preparation of time and monthly payroll30 LEI **
Intocmire Regulament Ordine Interioara100 LEI ***
Preparation of the organizational chart of the positions50 LEI ***
The entire documentation in the field of OSH and SU850 LEI ****
350 LEI **
Training of employees in the field of OSH / SU (monthly courier + quarterly travel)10 LEI *

Cost per employee - *
Cost per working point - **
Cost per company - ***
Cost per seat - ****

Legal department services

Description of legal department subscriptions:


The services not found in the description of the purchased subscription will be charged with 40 LEI / hour.

Other services

The costs occasioned by the provision of these services with auxiliary materials (registers, photocopies, floppy disks, files, other stationery) valued at the amount of 100 LEI / year, will be paid at the end of a term of 12 months for the provision of services or at the beginning of a calendar year

Let's help you

Focus on your business, do what you love and we will take care of the rest